
I understand it is important to set and aim to achieve a target during each session.   This Target Plan is my responsibility and it is to be brought to every lesson. If progress with targets is not achieved, lunchtime catch-up sessions will be arranged, failure to attend these will result in disciplinary action. Student Name: Harry Reader Signature:                                                                                                                            Date: 20/03/19 DATE SUBJECT TARGET FOR THIS SESSION Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Timely REFLECTION   DID I ACHIEVE MY TARGET? What went well? - What didn’t go well? - Why? TUTOR SIGNATURE 20/03/19 Unit - 3 Research Create and finish power point pitch on research.  Complete all slides. this is achievable because i have an hour to complete 2/3 slides.  This is useful because this will pitch my foundings on research. In
Stating out at college in game design. Lots of fun. starting to learn how to use blogger and trying to get my blog to look right i'm really looking forward to this course and to start developing games.