Unit 1- Pre-production

Unit 1 pre-production:

Colors in a frame:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • (R.G.B)

  • Alpha
  • Opaque - 100% opaque = solid 0% opaque = transparent

F.M.V = Full motion video

Viewing not watching

  • Motion blur (directional)
  • RGB(A)
  • Lights: point/spot/volume
  • Audio


In this clip you can see multiple layers including multiple different forms of lighting with  a point light in form of the sun. this game has two main layers. one layer is the main world which has the players model and all other objects such as NPC's, buildings and vegetation. The second layer is the skybox which is a 2D image which forms the sky. In the main layer it will house most of the main lighting like any light sources such as lights in houses or torches or other objects, it will also house the main light source for the world such as the sun, it won't house the actual image of it but it will house the light that it emits unless the sun is an actual object. Other lighting effects will be in there such as bloom and god rays.   

Our game idea:
An RPG game much like Final Fantasy with different classes with different purposes and stats, but with a 
survival system where you still need to eat, drink and sleep. It would be open world with Monsters 
roaming the land. When a character is attacked by an enemy, instead of the health instantly being 
taken away, the life counter would tick down to the heath you were taken down to.

Concept art:

Our presentation and my role in it:
In my presentation i will be talking about the damage and race system. How damage will work 
in the game is that creatures will have vulnerabilities and resistances depending on what race 
the player chooses they will also have different vulnerabilities and resistances. For example if 
you pick a Goliath (big rock man) then you be resistant to slashing, piecing and bludgeoning 
damage, but you will also be vulnerable to shocking and thunder damage. Depending on 
what class and weapons the player uses depends on what types of damage the player will 
do. Furthermore if the player deals piercing or slashing damage then that will apply a bleed 
affect to the target, this means less instant damage but that damage will be applied over 
time, however if you do bludgeoning damage this will just be flat damage with no bleed 
effect. This will be the same with damage types such as fire, poison and acid.

Development of presentation:

I have been adding key points to my presentation in terms of things like the platform that the
game will be hosted on which is Windows, Linux and Mac I talked about how PC would be the
best platform for the game because it would facilitate the controls the best unlike mobile and
console devices would and also that mobile devices would not be able to run the game
because of the performance requirements of the game, if it was to be on mobile then we would
have to restrict certain aspects of the game 

Presentation improvements: 

Page 1:
  • initaial ideas
  • game story
  • characters
Page 2:
  • the world
  • play style 
  • gear
Page 3:
  • NPC
  • Karma/morality
  • classes
Page 4:
  • platform
Page 5:
  • platforms that you won't use
Page 6:
  • software
 Page 7:
  • inspiration
Page 8:
  • finance
Page 9:
  • personnel
Page 10:
  • contributors
Page 11:
  • location
Page 12:
  • total cost
Page 13:
  • sources of finance
Page 14:
  • post funding

1000 word essay based on power point:

always show examples
  • intro paragraph (explanation of the game)
  • P1 = cost
  • P2 = distribution of cost
  • P3 = equipment (hardware, software, facilities)
  • P4 = personnel
  • P5 = contributors (give examples of possible contributors you could hire)
  • P6 = travel (access to office)
  • P7 = time management (deadlines for the team)
  • P8 = game development life cycle (split into sections of
  • pre-production,production,post production
  • P9 = investment(kickstarter/alpha funding give examples)
  • P10 = Pegi (provide examples and why)
  • P11 = TIGA 


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