
Showing posts from March, 2019
I understand it is important to set and aim to achieve a target during each session.   This Target Plan is my responsibility and it is to be brought to every lesson. If progress with targets is not achieved, lunchtime catch-up sessions will be arranged, failure to attend these will result in disciplinary action. Student Name: Harry Reader Signature:                                                                                                                            Date: 20/03/19 DATE SUBJECT TARGET FOR THIS SESSION Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Timely REFLECTION   DID I ACHIEVE MY TARGET? What went well? - What didn’t go well? - Why? TUTOR SIGNATURE 20/03/19 Unit - 3 Research Create and finish power point pitch on research.  Complete all slides. this is achievable because i have an hour to complete 2/3 slides.  This is useful because this will pitch my foundings on research. In